Surveyhead continues to make great strides and could possibly overtake Valued Opinions, the number one spot for earning Amazon gift certificates, in the very near future. Greenfield has been acquired by Toluna, who also recently acquired Your2Cents, and it remains to be seen what will happen with them. I have pretty much given up on Daily Survey Panel due to time constraints and the fact that Surveyhead is just much easier to interact with, tracks earnings for you and has virtually the same surveys. We also see MySurvey and Pinecone Research slowly but surely emerging from the middle of the pack to higher positions of prominence.
The point that I would like to make this month is that my top five survey sites account for 47% and my top ten survey sites account for 65% of my total earnings over the past 22 months, so many of these survey sites are like insurance for when my top sites earn more slowly; however, you just never know when a slower-earning site might move up to the top of the pack and become a top ten site unless you continue taking the surveys and carefully track your earnings. I think it’s clear that no one needs to be a member of hundreds, or even dozens, of different sites to earn a decent monthly income that can pay for your internet connection, your cell phone and, maybe, even your cable TV!
My Current Top 25 List as of December 13, 2009
SurveySpotLast Month’s Rank: #1Total Accumulated Earnings: $442.80Types of Surveys: Online Surveys, Interactive Surveys, Product Trial SurveysPayment Options: cash via CheckJoined: 2008-01-30Minimum Balance Required for Payment: $5Total Payment Received: $431.80GlobalTestMarketLast Month’s Rank: #2Total Accumulated Earnings: $356.00Types of Surveys: Online SurveysPayment Options: Cash via CheckMinimum Balance Required for Payment: 1000 pointsView the Original article
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